Helen Goldman


From childhood, Helen was drawn to the symmetry and patterns in geometry and nature, finding solace and inspiration in creating intricate designs with a compass. This early interest evolved into a profound engagement with geometrical concepts, such as Sacred Geometry.

Parallel to this fascination with geometry, Helen has a lifelong affection for animals. Experiences with pets, animal rescue, and nature cultivated a strong empathy and understanding of animal behaviour. This empathy is also expressed in her art, where she uses vibrant acrylics to depict the spirit of animals.

Both passions, for geometry and animals, serve as foundational elements of her artistic expression.

Residing within the Jurassic Coast, Helen cherishes the moments spent with her emus and sheep when not engaged in painting or crafting graphic designs for others. Her background in graphic design, which goes back to the days of Windows 97, has seamlessly transitioned into her art career, lending an illustrative quality to her work.

Original Paintings

Please get in contact if you are interested in originals, prints or cards of the above paintings

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Those who have encouraged my art journey